AWstats Term Definitions
Unique Visitor:
A unique
visitor is a person or computer (host) that has made at least 1 hit
on 1 page of your web site during the current period shown by the
If this user makes several visits during this period, it is counted
only once. Visitors are tracked by IP address, so if multiple users are
accessing your site from the same IP (such as a home or office
network), they will be counted as a single unique visitor.
The period shown by AWStats reports is by default the current month.
However if you use AWStats as a CGI you can click on the "year" link to
have a report for all the year.
In such a report, period is a full year, so Unique Visitors are number
of hosts that have made at least 1 hit
on 1 page of your web site during the year.